Thursday, June 4, 2009


I went on the Kleinfeld website a few days ago to browse wedding dresses. Kleinfeld is the top bridal boutique/mega store in Manhattan. I was pretty unimpressed with their site though...not as many dresses as i would have liked. Nonetheless, i found a few good ones.
I also think i found "the one"...
I wonder if you can tell which one it is...Here they are...











As you can tell, I like big big dresses. This is my one and only chance to wear one, so i'm going for all the drama voyeurs.

One of the above was my favorite. I saw it for the first time on this show called "Say Yes to The Dress." It comes on TLC....have you seen it?

The show is filmed in Kleinfeld and it shows brides to be on the hunt for their wedding dresses.

While i was on the website, there was a little blurb about the show, so i read it. It also had a section where you could share your own story. And, I did. We'll see what becomes of that. "the one" dress is...


I love it!

Its big and Fab-U-Lous!

But hub doesn't love it.
What do you think?

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